Lahore High Court Jobs 2021 LHC Jobs Online Apply
Lahore High Court Jobs 2021 LHC Jobs Online Apply has announced the latest Jobs in Nawaiwaqt Newspaper. Applications are required from suitable candidates. Interested candidates must fulfill the Eligibility Criteria to apply for these positions. Vacancy’s detail and their eligibility criteria are given below.
Vacancies Details:
Sr.No | Post Name | Qualification | No of Seats |
1. | Personal Assistant(BS-17) | Graduation | 18 |
2. | Stenographer(BS-17) | Graduation | 12 |
3. | Supervisor IT(BS-17) | Master | 02 |
4. | Assistant Manager(Cafeteria)(BS-17) | Graduation | 01 |
5. | Admin office coordinator(BS-17) | Graduation | 18 |
6. | Assistant Librarian(BS-17) | Master | 02 |
7. | Library Assistant(BS-16) | Bachelor | 02 |
8. | Assistant IT(BS-16) | Bsc | 07 |
9. | Caretaker(BS-16) | Graduation | 01 |
10. | Software TechnicianWriter(BS-16) | B.Sc | 01 |
11. | Hardware Technician(BS-16) | B.Sc | 04 |
12. | Network Technician(BS-16) | B.Sc | 03 |
13. | Technical Advisor(BS-16) | B.Sc | 01 |
14. | Data EntryOperator(BS-14) | Intermediate | 59 |
15. | OfficeCoordinator(BS-14) | Intermediate | 104 |
16. | Multimedia Operator(BS-13) | ICS | 03 |
17. | Network Associate(BS-13) | Graduation | 06 |
18. | Software Associate(BS-13) | Graduation | 03 |
19. | Graphic Designer(BS-13) | Graduation | 02 |
20. | Composer(English/Urdu)(BS-13) | Intermediate | 04 |
21. | Hardware Associate(BS-13) | Graduation | 10 |
22. | Telephone Technician(BS-12) | DAE | 03 |
23. | Junior Auditor(BS-11) | B.Com | 04 |
24. | Electrician(Network)(BS-11) | Matric | 04 |
25. | Mechanic(BS-09) | Matric | 01 |
26. | Calligraphist(BS-09) | FA | 01 |
27. | Technical Operator(BS-09) | DAE | 01 |
28. | Cook (BS-07) | Middle | 11 |
29. | Driver(BS-07) | Middle | 14 |
30. | Library Attendant(BS-07) | Matric | 05 |
31. | PhotostatMachine Operator(BS-07) | Middle | 02 |
32. | Book Binder(BS-05) | Middle | 01 |
33. | Bearer/Waiter(BS-03) | Middle | 01 |
34. | Chowkidar/Watchman(BS-03) | Priamry | 01 |
35. | Frash (BS-03) | Primary | 02 |
36. | Mali (BS-03) | Primary | 01 |
37. | Sweeper/SanitaryWorker(BS-03) | Primary | 05 |
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How To Apply Lahore High Court Jobs 2021 LHC Jobs:
- Applicants are required to submit ONLINE Applications ONLY.
- Online Job Portal with Syllabus and Job Description of posts is available at the LHC official website
- No need to submit a HARD COPY OF the ONLINE Application.
- The ONLINE APPLICATION FORM must be completely filled with utmost care and furnish the correct details.
- No application shall be entertained to edit any content or information in an online application after its submission.
- An incomplete application will be rejected forthwith.
- The applicants shall deposit a non-refundable processing fee of
- Rs.500/- for posts in BS-03 to BS-09
- Rs.1500/– for posts in BS-10 to BS-15
- Rs.2000/- for posts in BS-16 & above
- The fee should be deposited in A/c # (0785503341001134) titled “Human Resource District Judiciary” in any branch of MCB Bank in Punjab by filling following information on the Deposit Slip: –
- Name of the Candidate
- CNIC of the Candidate
- Job Title
- Job Code
- Mobile Number
- No application will be entertained without depositing the application fee.
- Mentioning of deposit slip number in the online application form is mandatory.
- Duplicate use of one deposit slip for any other post shall amount to cheating resulting into outright rejection of all applications of any such candidate.
- The candidate will only be allowed to appear in the test/interview on production of original deposit slip failing which he/she will lose his/her right for the same.
- Original receipt will be retained by the LHC for the record.
- Special persons (Disabled) and employees of Lahore High Court shall be exempted from payment of application processing fee.
- Applications should reach the mentioned address before December 20, 2021.
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