DC Office Latest Jobs 2021 Deputy Commissioner Office
DC Office Latest Jobs 2021 Deputy Commissioner Office has announced the latest Jobs in Jang Newspaper advertised the following vacancies as mentioned below. The Candidates must fulfill the Eligibility Criteria to apply for these positions.
Vacancies Details Adv 1:
Sr. No | Post Name | Qualification |
1. | Assistant | Bachelors |
2. | Computer Operator | Bachelors |
3. | Junior Scale Stenographer | Intermediate |
4. | Junior Clerk | Matric |
Vacancies Details Adv 2:
Sr. No | Post Name | Qualification |
1. | Computer Operator | Bachelors |
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How To Apply DC Office Latest Jobs 2021 Deputy Commissioner Office:
- Complete application with the following required documents should send to the given address before the last date.
- Individuals fulfilling the above-mentioned eligibility criteria are required to register themselves with ETEA www.etea.org.pk
- Only shortlisted candidates will be called to appear for the Interview.
- No TA/DA will be given for the test/interview.
- Incomplete documents and those received after the due date will be not considered.
- The applicant who is already in Government service may apply through the proper channel.
- The last date to apply is December 03, 2021 & December 13, 2021.
Address: Deputy Commissioner District Office, Dir Pain, KPK.
Address: Deputy Commissioner District Office, Kohat, KPK.
Advertisement DC Office Latest Jobs 2021 Deputy Commissioner Office:

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