BPSC Advertisement No 8 Jobs 2021 Online Apply
BPSC Advertisement No 8 Jobs 2021 announced the latest jobs 2021. The following job vacancies in various Departments as mentioned below. The Candidates must fulfill the Eligibility Criteria to apply for these positions.
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BPSC Advertisement No 8 Vacancies:
Sr. No | Post Name | Qualification |
1. | Assistant Director | Master |
2. | Assistant | Bachelor |
3. | Hardware Technician | Bachelor |
4. | Stenographer | Bachelor |
5. | Invigilator | Masters |
6. | Assistant Computer Operator | Intermediate |
7. | Cataloger | Bachelor |
8. | Junior Clerk | Intermediate |
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- PPHI Jobs 2022 Peoples Primary Healthcare Initiative
- WAPDA Jobs 2022
- FC Balochistan Naib Khateeb and Education Officer Jobs 2022
- Excise Police Jobs 2022
How To Apply BPSC Advertisement No 8 Jobs 2021:
- The candidate should submit a local/domicile certificate of his/her district.
- All applications can download the Application form and syllabus from www.bpsc.gob.pk
- Interested candidates may click below to apply online directly.
- Those applicants who do not have access to an internet facility, are allowed to submit their applications on the prescribed form must reach the Balochistan Public Service Commission, Quetta by hand or by mail on or before the closing date.
- The Candidates are required to deposit the original treasury receipt of
- Rs. 2000/- for BPS-19 & BPS-20
- Rs. 1000/- for BPS-18
- Rs. 600/- for BPS-14, BPS-16 & 17
- The amount should be deposited in the State Bank/National Bank of Pakistan or Government Treasury authorized to transact business on behalf of the Government of Balochistan under the Head C02101 ORGAN OF STATE EXAM FEE RECEIPT BPSC.
- It will be mandatory for the candidates to bring the following original documents at the time of the Screening/ Written Test.
- Treasury Receipt(Green Challan)
- Downloaded copy of Admission Certificate/Roll no slip
- The candidates who qualify for the viva-voice test will be intimated by post, SMS and Telephonically to furnish/submit one (01) set of requisite documents, within Ten (10) days of the Notice from BPSC.
- Four (04) photographs
- Matric, Intermediate DMCs/certificates
- Bachelor, Master, M.Phil., Ph.D. Transcript/Degrees
- Experience Certificate (where required)
- Local/Domicile Certificate (duly verified by the competent authority)
- Departmental Permission Certificate (in case of government serving)
- The last date to apply is November 15, 2021.
Company Address: Balochistan Public Service Commission, Quetta
Website: www.bpsc.gob.pk
BPSC Advertisement No 08 Jobs 2021:

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