Pakistan isi Jobs 2021
Pakistan isi Jobs 2021 has been announced from all cities including Karachi, Lahore, Rawalpindi, Islamabad, Faisalabad, Multan, Hyderabad, Quetta, Peshawar, Gujrat, Sahiwal, Gujranwala, Punjab, KPK, Sindh, Balochistan, AJK etc.
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Vacancies Details:
Sr. No | Post Name | Qualification | No of Seats |
1. | Operator Special | Intermediate, Matric | 70 |
2. | Driver | Primary | 554 |
3. | Wireman | Matric | 10 |
4. | Electrician | Matric | 02 |
5. | Special Staff | Intermediate | 05 |
6. | Lab Assistant | Intermediate | 02 |
7. | Motor Pump Attendant | Matric | 04 |
8. | Bawarchi | Matric | 39 |
9. | Mess Waiter | Matric | 84 |
10. | Sanitary Worker | Primary | 102 |
11. | Mali | Matric | 16 |
12. | Barber | Matric | 04 |
13. | Dhobi | Matric | 02 |
14. | Aya | Matric | 03 |
15. | Naib Qasid | Matric | 68 |
16. | Lascar | Primary | 27 |
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How To Apply Pakistan isi New Jobs 2021 Apply online:
- Applicants are required to apply directly on the website the Link has been Updated Now.
- Complete Job Description is available against respective vacancies on the website.
- Incomplete applications and applications with fake/false documents will be rejected at any stage during or after the recruitment process.
- Only shortlisted candidates will be invited for interviews and written tests.
- No TA/DA will be admissible for test/ interview.
- The Organization reserves the right to withdraw/cancel the vacancies at any stage without assigning any reason.
- The last date to get this opportunity is Friday, 29th October 2021 Extended
Address: Project Director AI, Sector E-9, Islamabad.
Telephone: 051-8905000
Advertisement Pakistan isi Jobs 2021:

Swat. Kanju mingora
I need job Naib Qasid I am from Hyderabad
I need job naib Qasid i am froom Quetta
Laab Assistant
Laab Assistant
Marks 502
Laab assistant
Marks 502
Specal staff