GC University Hyderabad Jobs 2021
Government College GC University Hyderabad Jobs 2021 announced the latest Jobs in Dawn & Jang Newspaper. The Candidates must fulfill the Eligibility Criteria for these positions.
Job Vacancies:
Sr. No | Post Name | Qualification |
1. | Professor | Ph.D |
2. | Associate Professor | Ph.D |
3. | Assistant Professor | Ph.D |
4. | Lecturer | MS/ M.Phil |
5. | Project Coordinator | Bachelors |
6. | Assistant Director Accounts | Bachelors, Master |
7. | Sub Engineer (Civil and Accounts) | Bachelors |
8. | Project Assistant | Bachelors |
9. | Attendant | Intermediate |
10. | Driver | Intermediate |
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How To Apply GC University Hyderabad Jobs 2021:
- For teaching positions Interested candidates should submit application on a prescribed form included attested copies of all relevant documents along with a Demand Draft/ Pay Order of Rs.4000/- as a processing fee in the favor of Director Finance, Government College University Hyderabad, to the given address, before the last dae.
- Interested candidates are required to submit applications along with the following attested copies of documents to the following address.
- CV
- Domicile
- Academic Certificates
- Experience Certificates
- 03 x Passport size Photographs
- Bank Draft of Rs.2000/-
- The candidates applying for these positions must enlist the attached documents with signature.
- Original documents should be produced at the time of the interview.
- No TA/DA shall be admissible.
- Only shortlisted candidates for call & interview.
- The last date for submission of applications is December 15, 2021.
Mailing Address: Registrar, Government College GC University Hyderabad.
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