Cadet College South Waziristan KPK Jobs 2021
Cadet College South Waziristan KPK Jobs 2021 announced the latest jobs in 2021, in Aaj Newspaper. Applications are required from KPK Jobs 2021 highly energetic and motivated Professionals. The Cadet College South Waziristan advertised the following Job vacancies as mentioned below.
No of Posts:
- 07+
- Masters, Bachelor, Diploma
Job Location:
- South Waziristan, KPK
Job Vacancies:
Sr. No | Post Name | Qualification | No of Seats |
1. | Director Physical Education (BPS-17) | Masters | 01 |
2. | Messing Officer (BPS-17) | Masters | 01 |
3. | Computer Instructor (BPS-16) | MS/ BS | 01 |
4. | Mess Supervisor (BPS-16) | Bachelor | 01 |
5. | Senior Clerk (BPS-14) | Bachelor | 01 |
6. | Overseer (BPS-11) | Diploma | 01 |
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How To Apply:
- Completed applications along with required documents should reach Cadet College South Waziristan KPK Jobs 2021 the mentioned address
- Bio Data
- CVs
- 4x attested photographs
- Degrees
- Certificates
- Only short-listed candidates will be called toe interviews.
- No TA / DA will be paid.
- The already-in-service candidates may apply through the proper channel.
- The undersigned reserves the right to reject any application.
Last Date:
- The last date to apply is 20 August 2021
- Mailing Address: Post Box No. 25 Dera Ismail Khan
- Telephone: 0963-519351-55/0347-8914513
- Email:
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